Budget-Friendly Agile: How to Conduct Effective Sprint Planning with Free Planning Poker

Sprint planning is a crucial part of the Agile process, but it can sometimes be challenging to facilitate effectively without breaking the bank. That's where free Planning Poker comes in! In this article, we'll explore how you can conduct efficient sprint planning sessions using Planning Poker without spending a dime.

What is Planning Poker?

Planning Poker is a technique used in Agile software development for estimating the complexity of a task. It is a consensus-based, gamified approach that involves the entire team in the estimation process.

The process of Planning Poker typically involves the following steps:

  • The team gathers together for a planning session, usually at the beginning of a sprint.
  • The Product Owner presents a user story or task to the team.
  • Each team member privately selects a Planning Poker card representing their estimate of the effort required to complete the task.
  • Once everyone has made their estimation, all team members reveal their cards simultaneously.
  • If there are significant discrepancies in estimates, the team discusses the task further to reach a consensus.

Planning Poker cards typically have values like 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100, and ? (for tasks that are too uncertain to estimate).

The name "Planning Poker" comes from the card game poker, where players bet on their hands based on their perceived value. Similarly, in Planning Poker, team members "bet" on the complexity of tasks based on their expertise and understanding of the project.

One of the key principles behind Planning Poker is that it engages the entire team in the estimation process, rather than relying on a single expert or manager to dictate task complexity. This ensures that estimates are more accurate and reflective of the collective wisdom of the team.

Additionally, Planning Poker encourages discussion and collaboration among team members. By allowing team members to explain their rationale for their estimates, it promotes shared understanding of the task and helps uncover potential risks or dependencies that may impact its complexity.

Overall, Planning Poker is a valuable tool in Agile software development for facilitating more accurate and collaborative task estimation, ultimately leading to better project planning and execution.

Why Use Planning Poker?

Planning Poker offers several compelling reasons for its use in Agile software development:

1. Engages the Whole Team

One of the primary benefits of Planning Poker is that it engages the entire team in the estimation process. Unlike traditional methods where estimates are provided by a single individual or a small group of experts, Planning Poker allows every team member to contribute their insights and perspectives.

This inclusivity fosters a sense of ownership and collaboration within the team, as everyone feels invested in the planning process. Additionally, involving team members with diverse skill sets and experiences can lead to more accurate and well-rounded estimations.

2. Promotes Discussion and Shared Understanding

During a Planning Poker session, team members are encouraged to discuss the requirements of each task and share their reasoning behind their estimations. This open dialogue promotes a shared understanding of the work involved and helps uncover any potential ambiguities or dependencies.

By facilitating communication and collaboration, Planning Poker ensures that team members are aligned on the scope and complexity of each task. This shared understanding reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings or misinterpretations later in the development process.

3. Prevents Individual Biases

In traditional estimation approaches, individual biases can significantly influence the accuracy of estimates. For example, optimistic team members may underestimate the complexity of a task, while pessimistic members may overestimate it.

Planning Poker mitigates these biases by anonymizing the estimation process. Since team members reveal their estimates simultaneously, there is less opportunity for bias to influence the consensus. Additionally, the discussion phase allows team members to challenge each other's assumptions and provide alternative viewpoints, further reducing the impact of individual biases.

4. Encourages Team Collaboration and Buy-In

By involving the entire team in the estimation process and valuing their input, Planning Poker fosters a sense of collaboration and buy-in. When team members feel heard and respected, they are more likely to commit to the estimates generated during the session.

This collective commitment increases accountability and motivation, as team members strive to meet the expectations they helped set. As a result, Planning Poker can lead to greater team cohesion and a shared sense of responsibility for project success.

In conclusion, Planning Poker is a valuable technique in Agile software development for its ability to engage the whole team, promote discussion and shared understanding, prevent individual biases, and encourage team collaboration and buy-in. By incorporating Planning Poker into your sprint planning process, you can improve the accuracy of your estimations and increase the likelihood of project success.

How to Conduct Sprint Planning with Free Planning Poker

Conducting sprint planning with free Planning Poker involves several key steps:

1. Choose a Free Planning Poker Tool or Use Physical Cards

The first step is to select a Planning Poker tool that fits your team's needs and budget. Fortunately, there are many free Planning Poker tools available online, such as PlanningPoker.com, ScrumPokerOnline.com, and AgilePoker.com. Alternatively, you can use physical Planning Poker cards if your team prefers a hands-on approach.

2. Invite the Entire Team to the Sprint Planning Session

Sprint planning sessions should include all members of the Agile team, including developers, testers, product owners, and Scrum Masters. By involving everyone in the estimation process, you ensure that the estimates are based on a collective understanding of the work involved.

3. Present Each User Story or Task to the Team

The Product Owner or Scrum Master should present each user story or task to the team during the sprint planning session. It's essential to provide sufficient context and details about the requirements to facilitate accurate estimations.

4. Discuss the Requirements and Clarify Any Doubts

After presenting a user story or task, allow the team members to ask questions and seek clarification on any unclear or ambiguous points. Encourage open communication and collaboration to ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of the work involved.

5. Have Each Team Member Select a Planning Poker Card

Once the requirements have been discussed, each team member privately selects a Planning Poker card representing their estimate of the effort required to complete the task. The cards typically have values like 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100, and ? (for tasks that are too uncertain to estimate).

6. Reveal the Estimates Simultaneously

Once everyone has made their estimation, all team members reveal their cards simultaneously. This prevents bias and ensures that team members do not influence each other's estimates. If there are significant discrepancies in estimates, the team discusses the task further to reach a consensus.

7. Repeat the Process Until Consensus is Reached

Continue presenting user stories or tasks and conducting Planning Poker sessions until estimates have been obtained for all items in the sprint backlog. It's essential to iterate on the estimation process and refine estimates as the team gains more information and understanding.

By following these steps, you can conduct efficient sprint planning sessions using free Planning Poker tools. This collaborative approach to estimation helps teams make more accurate and informed decisions about the work to be undertaken during the sprint, leading to greater predictability and success in Agile software development.


Effective sprint planning doesn't have to cost a fortune. By leveraging free Planning Poker tools, you can streamline your estimation process and improve team collaboration without breaking your budget. Incorporate Planning Poker into your Agile ceremonies and watch your sprint planning sessions become more efficient and productive than ever!