Story Poker Unveiling the Power of Narrative-driven Agile Estimation

If you're part of an agile team, you know how crucial it is to estimate the effort needed for each task or user story accurately. Traditional methods like planning poker tool are effective, but what if we told you there's a way to enhance this process even further? Enter Story Poker, a narrative-driven approach that adds a layer of storytelling to agile estimation. Let's delve deeper into this fascinating concept.

What is Story Poker?

In the realm of agile software development, estimation plays a pivotal role. It's crucial for teams to have a clear understanding of the effort required for each task or user story to plan effectively and deliver on time. Traditional estimation techniques like planning poker have been widely adopted in agile methodologies to achieve this.

However, as teams strive for continuous improvement and seek innovative ways to enhance their processes, new approaches emerge. Story Poker is one such innovative method that revolutionizes the way agile teams estimate their work.

At its core, Story Poker combines the principles of agile estimation with the art of storytelling. Instead of relying solely on numerical values to estimate tasks, Story Poker introduces a narrative-driven approach. It encourages team members to create stories or scenarios around each task, providing context and depth to the estimation process.

Imagine a scenario where your team is planning the development of a new feature for your product. In a traditional estimation session, team members might assign numeric values based on their gut feeling or past experiences. While this approach can yield reasonable estimates, it often lacks the rich context needed to account for all potential complexities and dependencies.

Now, picture the same scenario with Story Poker. As the team gathers to estimate the effort required for the feature, each member takes turns sharing a story related to the task. These stories could involve potential challenges, real-world examples, or even hypothetical situations. For instance, a developer might share a story about a similar feature they worked on in the past and the unexpected hurdles they encountered. Another team member might contribute a story about a customer's perspective and the value this feature would bring to them.

As the stories unfold, a vivid picture begins to emerge, capturing the nuances and intricacies of the task at hand. Team members actively engage with each other, asking questions, sharing insights, and collectively exploring the various aspects of the work. This collaborative storytelling process fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of the task, enabling the team to make more informed estimates.

Story Poker transcends the boundaries of traditional estimation by tapping into the power of narrative. It transforms the estimation process from a mechanical exercise into a creative journey, where each story adds a new layer of insight and understanding. By harnessing the collective wisdom and experience of the team, Story Poker empowers agile teams to make more accurate estimates and deliver value more effectively.

How Does It Work?

Story Poker operates on the premise that storytelling enhances the understanding and estimation of tasks within an agile team. Here's a step-by-step guide on how Story Poker works:

  1. Task Identification: The team identifies the tasks or user stories to be estimated during a Story Poker session. These could be items from the product backlog or upcoming work for the sprint.
  2. Storytelling Round: The Story Poker session begins with a storytelling round. Each team member takes turns sharing a story or scenario related to the task being estimated. These stories can be based on past experiences, potential challenges, customer perspectives, or any other relevant context.
  3. Discussion and Exploration: As stories are shared, the team engages in discussions, asking questions, sharing insights, and exploring different aspects of the task. This collaborative dialogue helps uncover hidden complexities, dependencies, and considerations that may impact the estimation.
  4. Consensus Building: After all stories have been shared and discussed, the team works towards reaching a consensus on the estimated effort for the task. This consensus-driven approach ensures that everyone is aligned and committed to the estimate.
  5. Iteration and Refinement: Story Poker is an iterative process. As the team gains more insights and experiences, they refine their estimation techniques and storytelling skills. Regular retrospectives provide opportunities for reflection and improvement.

By following these steps, Story Poker enables agile teams to leverage the power of narrative-driven estimation, resulting in more accurate and meaningful estimates.

Benefits of Story Poker

Story Poker offers several compelling benefits that make it a valuable addition to any agile team's toolkit. Let's explore some of these benefits:

  • Enhanced Understanding: By incorporating storytelling into the estimation process, Story Poker fosters a deeper understanding of tasks among team members. The narratives shared during Story Poker sessions provide context and insight, helping team members grasp the complexities and nuances of the work.
  • Improved Accuracy: Story Poker leads to more accurate estimation outcomes. By exploring different scenarios and considering various perspectives through storytelling, teams are better equipped to account for potential challenges, dependencies, and uncertainties, resulting in more precise estimates.
  • Increased Engagement: Story Poker sessions are highly engaging and collaborative. Unlike traditional estimation methods that may feel mechanical or repetitive, Story Poker encourages active participation from all team members. The storytelling aspect adds an element of creativity and excitement to the estimation process, fostering a sense of ownership and investment in the outcomes.
  • Facilitated Communication: Story Poker facilitates communication and alignment within the team. The open dialogue and exchange of stories promote a shared understanding of the work and the factors influencing its estimation. This shared understanding lays the foundation for effective collaboration and decision-making throughout the project.
  • Continuous Improvement: Story Poker promotes a culture of continuous improvement within agile teams. Through regular practice and reflection, teams refine their storytelling skills, estimation techniques, and collaborative abilities. Retrospective sessions provide opportunities to identify areas for improvement and implement changes for greater efficiency and effectiveness.

These benefits demonstrate the transformative impact of Story Poker on agile estimation, empowering teams to deliver value more effectively and efficiently.

Getting Started with Story Poker

Story Poker Planning offers a myriad of benefits for agile teams looking to improve their estimation process and enhance collaboration. Here are some key advantages:

  • Enhanced Understanding: Story Poker encourages team members to think deeply about tasks and consider various scenarios, leading to a better understanding of the work involved.
  • Improved Accuracy: By adding context through storytelling, Story Poker helps teams make more accurate estimates, reducing the risk of underestimation or overestimation.
  • Increased Engagement: Story Poker sessions are more engaging and collaborative, fostering better communication and alignment among team members.
  • Deeper Insights: The storytelling aspect of Story Poker provides valuable insights into the nuances and complexities of tasks, enabling teams to make more informed decisions.
  • Continuous Improvement: Story Poker is an iterative process that encourages reflection and refinement. Teams can continuously improve their estimation skills and storytelling abilities over time.

These benefits make Story Poker a valuable addition to any agile team's toolbox, empowering them to deliver high-quality work more effectively.


Story Poker adds a new dimension to agile estimation, transforming it from a numerical exercise into a storytelling adventure. By leveraging the power of narrative, teams can achieve more accurate estimates and foster better collaboration. So why not spice up your next sprint planning meeting with a game of Story Poker?